One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

2023 Alumni Award Recipients

Each year, 沙巴体育在以下类别中表彰为耶稣基督影响他们世界的校友-年度校友, Young Alumnus of the Year, and Honorary Alumnus of the Year. 在适当的时候,还会在不同的时间颁发额外的奖项. The recipients are honored in chapel, at an awards ceremony, and often times are asked to speak to our student body. This past years recipients are featured below.

Donna (Payne) VanLiere


Donna (Payne) VanLiere has been selected as the Alumna of the Year.

1989年,唐娜毕业于当时的沙巴体育学院,获得传播学学位, with emphasis in broadcasting and theatre. 在沙巴体育读书时,她想到了小说的第一句话,然后意识到她可以看到场景并想象出情节. 毕业后,上帝呼召她写具有永恒意义的小说.

Her first novel, The Christmas Shoes, became a New York Times and USA Today bestseller, 后来被哥伦比亚广播公司拍成了当年收视率最高的电视电影. 之后,CBS、Lifetime和Hallmark又推出了更多小说和六部电视电影. She was asked to write the biography of Rick Husband, Commander of the Space Shuttle Columbia, and a personal memoir called Finding Grace.

More recently, 唐娜迫切地想写一个由三部分组成的系列书,其中四分之三是小说,四分之一是关于末世的圣经教导. Jesus told us to "Look up" because "our redemption is near,” and Donna wants to encourage her readers to be a looking up people. This led to a limited series podcast called “Things are Looking Up.” She will release a new nonfiction book in March called Looking for God: A Search for Real Love in an Unreal World对于那些内心深处知道自己在寻找某种东西来填补空虚的人来说.

Donna has won a 小说零售商选择奖,鸽子奖,银天使奖,两个奥迪奖 for best inspirational fiction, has been a nominee for a Gold Medallion Book of the Year and is an inductee in the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Hall of Excellence.

Along with her writing, Donna has an active speaking ministry, whether for book conferences or women's events. She has spoken with Women of Faith, Extraordinary Women, Among Friends Conference, 以及海德堡大学著名的帕特里夏·亚当斯系列讲座. 

Donna is thankful for her Cedarville education. Between theater and broadcasting, 她不仅学会了如何在众人面前讲话,还学会了如何拿起一篇文章进行编辑, which is crucial for a writer. 沙巴体育也让她在正直、品格、谦逊和职业道德方面脱颖而出. 戏剧和法医学教会她时刻准备,有备而来,了解自己的角色.

Donna met her husband, Troy, on the first day at Cedarville in one of my broadcasting classes, and they have been married for 33 years. 他们有三个孩子:两个女儿格雷西和凯特来自中国,儿子大卫来自危地马拉. They do not look much alike, 但上帝把他们接在一起成为一家人,他们是上帝的反映!

Meredith (Wood) Docena


Meredith (Wood) Docena被选为年度最佳年轻校友.

Meredith于2014年毕业于Cedarville University,获得社会工作学士学位. 她在学生时代的四年里都有幸参加了菲律宾的短期宣教旅行, 但有一次特别的旅行改变了她的生活轨迹和事工.

During the summer before her sophomore year while in the Philippines, she encountered three street boys in tattered clothing and no shoes, hungry and begging for food. 她看着每个人都吃了三盘食物,当他们回到街上时,她很伤心. 就在那时,神开始在她心里激动,要在菲律宾为被忽视的孩子们开一个家. 

After returning to campus, 她跟随神的带领,凭着信心走出家门,开始在桑托斯将军城创立奥贝德家庭事工, Philippines. She was encouraged by friends and family to share her story, and then the Holy Spirit worked, bringing in the funds she needed. Construction began in 2014, Obed 's House于2015年7月正式开业,Meredith担任执行董事. The focus of the ministry is "to teach and raise the neglected, 桑托斯将军城的街头和被遗弃的孩子们真正爱并服侍我们的救主耶稣基督,它的使命是“通过为被忽视的孩子提供一个充满爱的家庭氛围来完成这个伟大的使命”.“自开业以来,Obed 's已经有机会照顾60多名儿童.

梅雷迪思认为,她在沙巴体育的心理学和社会工作课程为她从事被遗弃和被忽视儿童的工作做好了准备, 她特别感谢她的教育是建立在圣经世界观的基础上的.

Meredith’s husband, Avery, serves alongside her at Obed’s House, and they have two daughters, Mia and Tegan.

她顺服神的呼召和牺牲的工作,与桑托斯将军城被遗弃和被忽视的孩子分享基督的爱, Philippines.

Charles and Anita Petersen



查克是彼得森工程公司的总裁,这对夫妇住在田纳西州的富兰克林. 他们是一个蓬勃发展的教会——救赎城市教会的积极成员.

几年前,查克和安妮塔第一次听说沙巴体育是在大学的旅行团参观他们在加州的教堂时. 被沙巴体育承诺为神的话语和耶稣基督的见证所鼓舞, 查克和安妮塔在俄亥俄州西南部的玉米地里开始更多地了解这所大学. Now many years later, 从2017年到2023年,Charles是Cedarville的董事会成员, and their three daughters, Rachel, Sarah, and Abigail, are alumni. And, 他们热衷于锡达维尔忠于圣经的教育,并通过奖学金支持学生.

几年前,查克和安妮塔第一次听说沙巴体育是在大学的旅行团参观他们在加州的教堂时. 被沙巴体育承诺为神的话语和耶稣基督的见证所鼓舞, 查克和安妮塔在俄亥俄州西南部的玉米地里开始更多地了解这所大学. Now many years later, 从2017年到2023年,Charles是Cedarville的董事会成员, and their three daughters, Rachel, Sarah, and Abigail, are alumni. And, 他们热衷于锡达维尔忠于圣经的教育,并通过奖学金支持学生.

In 2004, 彼得森夫妇设立了基督教教育奖学金,为计划在基督教小学或中学任教的教育专业学生提供经济援助. Once the civil engineering program was established, 他们为土木工程师设立了一项奖学金,帮助他们利用自己的学位完成任务. 自奖学金设立以来,彼得森夫妇已为200多名学生提供了奖学金支持, 每年为奖学金获得者举办晚宴,让他们倾听他们的故事,鼓励他们学习.

彼得森一家考虑给沙巴体育做最好的投资之一. 他们喜欢帮助年轻男女成为坚强的门徒,在毕业后,无论上帝带领他们到哪里,他们都会在黑暗中带来光明.